Thursday, October 9, 2008

Application deadline extended...for all you procrastinators out there!

Well folks, we have received lots of great and interesting applications over the last month. However, this year's event is being held at a much larger facility than last year, giving us much more room to showcase your craftiness!

In order to provide the best shopping experience available for our guests, we have extended our vendor application deadline. So for all of you procrastinators, now is the time to put your waiting to the wayside and surf on over to our website to apply! We only have a few slots left to fill - and you know you want to be part of the action...there are no excuses - it's simple and only takes about 5 whole minutes.

Booth spaces (of which we only have 4 left) are $60, and 8' tables (5 left) are only $40. Both fees include a $10 non-refundable jury fee. Application deadline is October 24th.

If you applied by October 4th, your application has already been juried and you should have received an email from us regarding your acceptance status. If you did not receive and email, please contact us at immediately.

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